Happy Birthday!

This weekend Path to Freedom Urban Homestead celebrates 10 years online!  Can you believe it, we are older than BLOGSPOT, YOUTUBE, TWITTER and FACEBOOK.   What a milestone marker in our journey!

For over a decade now we’ve been sharing our triumphs, struggles and growth along with you.  Over the course of the journey our project has birth the modern urban homestead movement and inspired hundreds and hundreds of thousands to be the change they wish to see by living the solution.

Where will the future take us?  Not sure, all we know is we got to put one foot in front of the other and take things one step at a time.

Taking a Holiday

As the year winds down, I am going to divert a bit from the regular urban homestead happenings and focus on a few highlights our little homemade film has made this year and where we’ve traveled to spread the sustainable “IMBY” message in places like Italy, Israel, Greece and India.

Yep, that’s right not only have we’ve been hard at work here on the urban homestead but we have been blessed to have had an opportunity to share what we have been given.

With this worldwide reach/outreach we are showing that small steps can make a big impact.

The urban homesteading movement is starting to take root globally and we, as urban homesteading ambassadors are taking the revolution to the people (learn how you can support our growth)  In places like India (where we broke ground for an urban homestead) and Israel (where we visited a Freedom Gardener outside the city of Jerusalem) things are changing.

To Whom Much Is Given, Much Is Required

We didn’t want to make a big deal of it at the time, but this summer and fall a revolution has been spreading that’s been beyond our wildest dreams.

But we can’t just keep such news to ourselves, so before the year runs out, we thought it would be nice to share with our longtime readers and supporters some of the fruits that have been produced from the seeds that have been broadcasted from this homegrown revolution.

The Little Film That Could

Our little in home/home made short film HOMEGROWN REVOLUTION has left the USA and has been shown in countries like Spain, Greece, Italy and India with more to come.   To me this “film” reminds me of the childhood story of the “Little Engine that Could” and it’s such a blessing and wonderful opportunity to see people so excited and wanting to be the change they wish to see by being part of a solution.

Here are a few pictures from the HOMEGROWN REVOLUTION screening at the Eco Film Festival on the world heritage island, Rhodes, Greece — coming soon highlights from other screenings in Italy, India and our visit to Israel!

But before we could get to the island of Rhodes we had to catch a plane in Athens so we did a bit of historical sightseeing at one of the oldest cities in the world.

Please note: selecting photos to share has not been an easy task – believe me!  We took so many photos, it’s crazy!  Lots of shots of temples, cobble stone streets, markets, bazaars, castles, azure oceans, ruins and more ancient ruins…..


Ancient temple on a hill

On Mars Hill looking at the Acropolis

Walking the path of apostle Paul

In front of the Acropolis

Sunset on Mars Hill overlooking Athens


The medieval city of Rhodes (400 BC) is one of the best preserved medieval towns in Europe

The famed harbor where site of Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, supposedly once spanned

People came from all over the world to attend this eco film festival and Jordanne & Justin mingle with a few handing out HOMEGROWN REVOLUTION DVDs

Another young fan! Love it when the kids get so excited over this film.   So cute.

Interview for a local TV station

Making new friends! We spent hours just talking to a group of local food and environmental advocates.

In front of the theater

Farmer D fields questions after the film

In the moat of the castle lie hundreds of these cannon balls

Jordanne, Justin and I go for an early morning stroll before all the tourist invade from the cruise ships

Jordanne plays with one of the many island cats.  This kitty’s great, great, great, great granddaddy could have been a companion of a sailor on a ship.

Old windmills


In the airport in the wee hours of the morning waiting for our flight

Leaving Rhodes, next stop Israel!

Thanks again to everyone (especially those at the Eco Film Festival) who made this a successful journey.


  1. 1916home.net says:

    Great photos!

  2. Mavis says:

    What an amazing journey…. May the seeds you have planted continue to bloom.

  3. ISRAEL | Little Homestead in the City says:


  4. HOMEGROWN REVOLUTION IN ITALY | Little Homestead in the City says:

    […] Greece and Israel, the next stop for us and our short homemade film (HOMEGROWN REVOLUTION) was another […]

  5. HOMEGROWN REVOLUTION IN INDIA | Little Homestead in the City says:

    […] Greece, Israel, Italy and our last and final stop – India! […]

  6. AROUND THE URBAN HOMESTEAD | Little Homestead in the City says:

    […] holiday from happenings on the urban homestead to give you a glimpse at our travels this year to Greece, Israel, Italy and India – life on the urban homestead goes on and going to try to catch you all up […]

  7. URBAN HOMESTEADING IN REVIEW | Little Homestead in the City says:

    […] out our rundown of highlights for 2009, especially our trips as urban homesteading ambassadors to Greece, Israel, Italy and […]

  8. TALLY HO 2009 | Little Homestead in the City says:

    […] before (thanks to climate change),  in addition to our trips as urban homesteading ambassadors to Greece, Israel, Italy and […]

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